Saturday, November 3, 2007

Skull and Bones

Friday before class I walked over to Santa Maria del Concezione. It has a crypt below the church that is decorated with skulls and various other bones. There was one portion that was all hip bones. It was slightly strange to see, but surprisingly didn't seem to gross. Even though I got there right before it closed, there were a lot of people there. I found it slightly more claustrophobic then the Catacombs because the crypt only had one was in and out, so people were pretty crammed. I didn't spend too much time in there for that reason.

The other night there was a crazy thunderstorm in Rome. Lightning, Thunder, the whole works. Below is a picture someone took of the storm. The plaza is the Campo de Fiori, our school is right off the Campo.

nuns: 204 priests: 99

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